Well I have to tell you it was a foggy, soggy, cold day to be going to Bear Country but I am glad I made the trip! We saw EVERY animal on the property! I mean EVERY animal! It was great!
As I was trying to decide if I wanted to go this morning, I remember Jen G. saying that when the weather is not at it's best the animals are. So, I loaded up the boys and we went!
I think one of the other benefits of going at 9am was that the animals were hungry! We were driving in front of the feed truck. Notice the Mountain Goats are not looking at me, taking the photos, they are looking at the man with the food directly behind me! LOL!

The Elk are the first of the animals we saw after entering the park and I put these images in because you can see the snow, rain in the air....What's the date today?

If you put your mouse over the image you should be able to enlarge it.

These two images are here because I love the velvet and you can see the fuzz.

We were discussing sleeping with such large objects on your head. Wouldn't that hurt your neck?
On to the bears:

I like this one because you can see the car in the upper corner....for some odd reason it speaks to me!

I am wondering how big these animals are. I'm thinking they have got to be 600 lbs? If anyone knows they should comment. (Comments are at the end of each blog entry)

I am amazed with the size of bear paws. I almost got an image of a paw while it was stretching. It had his claws extended.....but he was too quick (or I was slow on the trigger finger)

These birds, which I think are magpies are all around the bears. I think they are in it for the free lunch personally! But they are an interesting bird....
Lastly, the lions. I've never seen so many lions in the cage before! They were playing with each other, eating and walking around on the logs. It was such a different experience than I've had in the past I'm so glad we went!

Thanks to all who showed up. I hope your experience was as thrilling as mine.
Average adult male: 450#, but write up says they can get up to 650#: http://www.bearcountryusa.com/animals/animal_info.php?id=12
Enjoyed you pictures - thanks for putting them on the blog!! Our summer adventures are off to a cold, wet start... but I agree, the animals in the drive through portion were at their best. Hopefully, future summer adventures will be more conducive to moms & kids spending time together.
Yes, thanks Laurel! Great Pictures!
Thanks Laurel!
BC was WAY worth it -- even if there was snow and rain everywhere. One of the big black bears hopped up (front feet only) on my car... Anika about jumped out the other side of the Suburban... It was an EXPERIECE!!
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