- Our spring fundraiser
- $25 per person
- Open to family or friends
- Two different classes, two dates/times
- RSVP's required with full payment
- Contact Nancy M for more info
- godsthunder@rap.midco.net or 787-5040
Class #1:
Tuesday, April 29th
9:00 a.m. to 12:noon
WSB Church Kitchen
Childcare available (slight extra cost)
Chicken Saltimbocca
Italian Grilled Veggies
Crispy Chicken & Pecan Salad
Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Mac & Cheese
Class #2
Thursday, May 15th
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
at Dove Christan Center Kitchen
No Childcare Options
Mahogany Fried Chicken
Mashed Potato Salad
Enchilada Verde
Spanish Rice
Salmon & Goat Cheese Quiche
Potato Dauphine