New MomSense Magazine...

Everyone in the group should have gotten the latest issue of MomSense in the last week or so. It is the November/December issue and has some great articles. I LOVE the show "Trading Spaces"... and was so please to see Laurie Smith interviewed this month.

I also loved the artice by Julie Barnhill called "One Tough Holiday Mother." I don't know how many of you have had issues during the Holidays with your extended families -- trying to decide where to spend the Holiday... how many relatives to "hop" between on the holiday.... this article definately gave me some good ideas. I just got Ms. Barnhills newest book, "One Tough Mother"... and I'm trying to speed read through it, so I can give you all a book report at our next meeting. It's been very inspiring!!

I have a fun challenge for all you moms who visit the website... I'll have a special treat for EVERY mom at the next meeting who can complete this challenge from this MomSense issue.

1. What is the game the Rogers family played at Christmas, from the article, The Tradition Junkie?

2. What is the name of the newest Boz Christmas video? (advertisement)

3. In the Just For Fun section, there is a suggestion to make holiday placemats with your kids and the author gives 4 different easy Christmas designs... a reindeer, a wreath, an angel and a ____.

MOPS Tea Party 2008

MOPS Tea Party 2008
Looking Good Girls!